Art of the week ^^ " ( Abel's art )

Introducing ...
one of our cool classmate "

we called her , Abel ..

( by : Nabila Sawal " Abel " )

she is cute ,
happy go lucky ..
creative & talented .
kind & cheerful
she is really good in making doodle...
anime , people , shading , water color
graphic , photo's

& more ..

Enjoy Abel's artwork ... ^^ "

more artwork of the week will be post ..
be ready you guys ..
jiayou , gambatte , hwaiting , good luck ~

we admired your artwork bello " ~ ^o^ "

reported by : k e e - c h u l

Small work ^^ "

Our artwork , ^^ "
we can do better next time right guys

medium : pencil
by : miera

medium : pencil
by : nabila 

self potrait
medium : pencil
by : husaini

medium : oil pastel
by : liyana

\Pecubaan/ Piung-piung !


Ehem. Ehem. HAHA! Tak tahu nak karang apa but happy sangat. Tak sangka dah de belog class sendiri. *Congratulation* Nak anta sebarang drawing alamat belum lagilah. Tak de buat pape pon cuti nih. Pegang pensil pon leh gegar-gegar dah nih. HAHA! Apa-apa pon nanti kte try anta eh. Lecturer semua tak nak join sama keh? Baru hangat sikit belog nih. Hihi..

K..Tu je ~@0@~

The Unknown artist "

Assalamualaikum "

To my friends 
please analyze this artwork ,
based on the lack of this artwork ,
& what should he/she do to improve ...

Kepada awak semua ,
Tolong analisis karya tersebut ,
berdasarkan kekurangan karya ini ,
& apa yang harus dilakukan untuk 
memperbaiki karya ini ..

( please & thank you )

Title : -
Artist : Unknown
Medium : Pencil 
year : 2012

Karya #1 "

 karya #2

Please provide cooperation 
sila beri kerja sama
komen kat group yek "

( T e r i m a - K a s i h ) 

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha untuk semua "

A s s a l a m u a l a i k u m "

click the picture please ^^ "

by : k e e - c h u l


w e l c o m e

The memory of us " Part 1 "

introduce one by one "
actually there's more ,
of us ..
that is ,
ATIE & FATIN ( no photo )

Please & Thank you
( Terima Kasih )